$199.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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Before The Labs...A Clinical & Lifestyle Approach to Protocols for Wellness

Before The Labs Coaching and Training - The Functional and Lifestyle Method...A Clinical & Lifestyle Approach to Protocols for Wellness. 

Within the members' you will find the introductory trainings to set the ground work, 

Then we will meet via Zoom every  week, two different times

We will be having trainings, active discussions, cases studies, Grand Rounds, and the community.

Course Outline:

Module 1: Beyond the Labs Method

  • The Core Method to what makes Beyond the Labs a Game Changer in Practice

Module 2: Traditional Fundamentals

  •  A new perspective for the pharmacy and medical mind

  • The Healer's Journey for Practitioners and Patients

  • And more

Module 3: Lifestyle Medicine Pharmacy

  • Overview of Lifestyle Medicine Pharmacy (diet, movement, down regulation, the power of community, benefits of nature)

  • Down-regulation Tool Kit Master Class

  • Movement As Medicine Master Class

  • The importance of quality supplements

  • Top supplements you need to know

  • Case study: Why we start with the foundations

Module 4: Metabolic Pharmacy

  • Overview of metabolic pharmacy

  • Masterclasses:

    • Adrenals and stress

    • Thyroid health

    • Digestion and the biome

    • Cardiometabolic health

    • Reproductive hormones


Module 5: Introduction to Foundational Functional Lab Testing

  • Begin to gain an understanding of what functional testing can do for your clients and for your practice


Community + 

  • Signing on to Before the Labs Core provides you with Free 6 Months BTL + Community

Course Format: Online video lessons, downloadable resources, private online community, live weekly trainings, patient reviews, open office hours q and a, workshops

Course Duration: Self-paced, over 30 hours of video content

*Its been reported that most participants will gain a comprehensive knowledge within 6 months (took me years)

Through a strong focus on didactics AND implementation AND support AND community we:

  • Show you how to implement and what to do with your knowledge.

  • Lead you through the process of how to read and assess not just the labs, but to attune to the unique qualities of the client in front of you.

  • Coach through my Clinician to Coach to Consultant Certification Model - helping you provide the best out of your clinical acumen while maximizing relatability and communication skills with your clients.

You will gain access to the templates I use, supplement, diet, movement, and all other protocols.


This agreement begins upon purchase of mentorship program.

Robert Kress LLC and Longevity Publishing LLC (herein referred to as “Consultant”) agrees to provide Program, Modern Alchemist Mentorship and Consulting (herein referred to as “Program”). Both client and company agree to abide by all policies and procedures as outlined in this agreement as a condition of their participation in the Program.

The Program

Robert Kress, Consultant, is not an employee, agent, lawyer, doctor, manager, therapist, public relations or business manager, registered dietician, or financial analyst, psychotherapist, or accountant. Client understands that Consultant has not promised, shall not be obligated to and will not; (1) procure or attempt to procure employment or business or sales for Client; (2) Perform any business management functions including but not limited to, accounting, tax or investment consulting, or advice with regard thereto; (3) act as a therapist providing psychoanalysis, psychological counseling or behavioral therapy; (4) act as a public relations manager (5) act as a publicist to procure any publicity, interviews, write-ups, features, television, print or digital media exposure for Client. Client understands that a relationship does not exist between the parties after the conclusion of this program. If the Parties continue their relationship, a separate agreement will be entered into.

Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We do not position this product as a “get rich quick scheme.” Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions.

The fee for the Program has the following options:

  1. $ 1999 one time payment 


No Refunds and Guarantee’s

Where there are no refunds offered by the Program, Consultant encourages time on the phone or over zoom to discuss with Client for free, answer any questions, and assess the relativeness of the program for the client’s goals as well as expectations of both client and coach    


Participants Understand that Live Calls are Recorded and Saved in Members area Beyond The Labs Video Vault Training.

The Consultant and Company respects Client’s privacy and insists that Client respects the Company’s and Program Participants (herein referred to as “Participants”) Thus, consider this a mutual non-disclosure agreement. Any Confidential Information shared by Program participant’s, or any representative of the Company is confidential, proprietary, and belongs solely and exclusively to the Participant who discloses it. Parties agree not to disclose, reveal, or make use of any Confidential Information or any transactions. Consultant and Client agree not to use such confidential information in any manner other than in discussion with other Participants during Program. Furthermore, Client will NOT reveal any information to a third party obtained in connection with this Agreement or Company’s direct or indirect dealings with Client including but not limited to; names, email addresses, third party company titles or positions, phone numbers or addresses. Additionally, Consultant will not at any time, either directly or indirectly, disclose confidential information to any third party.

No Transfer of Intellectual Property

Company’s program is copyrighted and original materials that have been provided to Client are for the Clients individual use only, and a single-user license, for the duration of their agreement.  All intellectual property including Company’s copyrighted program and/or course materials shall remain the sole property of the Company.


Company is committed to providing all clients in the Program with a positive Program experience. By purchasing this product and service, Client agrees that the Company may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement, and limit, suspend, or terminate Clients participation in the program without refund or forgiveness of monthly payments if Client becomes disruptive to Company or Participants, Client fails to follow the Program guidelines, is difficult to work with, impairs the participation of the other participants in the Program or upon violation of the terms as determined by Company.