Fireside Tribe

Functional Medicine- Community- Connection for Men

MAN UNMEDICATED'S Private Online Membership for men dedicated to unleashing their fullest potential in Health, Life, Leadership& Purpose


Let's Start This Journey


Fireside Tribe

Functional Medicine- Community- Connection for Men

MAN UNMEDICATED'S Private Online Membership for men dedicated to unleashing their fullest potential in Health, Life, Leadership& Purpose



Welcome to the Evolution of Men's Health, Wellness & Peak Potential

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort & convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy"

- Martin Luther King Jr.


History bears this out. The greatest leaders and achievers have never went without challenge and struggle, AND they walked alone. They've surrounded themselves with communities that offer guidance, hold them accountable, and stand with them like a fortress wall against life's inevitable onslaughts.

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation...” 

 ― Henry David Thoreau


We Are in a Men's Health Crisis of Body- Mind, Spirit and Soul.

The quote above, written in his work, Civil Disobedience, 1854, this cinder of desperation, ember of discontent, "falling in line" with the "manufactured conventional" has grown into a crisis of dis-ease that spans from the physical to the mental, emotional and spiritual.

This Fireside Tribe is a forge of both accountability and solutions. We've all tasted the bitter ash of failure that comes from lacking external accountability. The missing gym partner that makes it too easy to skip a workout, the unasked question that keeps you from seizing the opportunities that are yours to claim, the not speaking up, when you knew it was time to speak.

Within this Fireside Tribe, you'll learn to lead yourself through the fire of conflict, to develop a bedrock reliance on your own inner strength. You'll learn to silence the voice of your inner critic and forge the unyielding resolve and skills necessary to succeed on your own terms.

Success demands one thing: action. The courage to shatter the old patterns and limitations that have held you back. Our culture may celebrate the myth of the lone wolf, but the reality is that with a tribe of men at your back, you'll find the unbreakable fortitude to face down any challenge that dares step into your path.

"If you are going to do anything important in life, there's going to be a hero's journey where you go through the valley of death, and feel like your completely alone"

-Robert F Kenney Jr

With the right support, you'll tap into a wellspring of iron-forged inspiration and motivation to play a bigger game. On the darkest days, your brothers will be the torch that illuminates your path and reveals the opportunities hiding in the shadows.

"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how." - Friedrich Nietzsche

To be a man freed from the quiet life of desperation is to live a life of purpose, becoming that partner, husband, father, Godfather, leader, to support family and loved ones, shattering the chains of unconscious reaction that control your life.

You could embark on this journey of self-mastery alone… but the path will be longer, steeper, and far more treacherous.

The Fireside Tribe is here to accelerate your liberation, to propel you forward into the leadership role you were born to claim. Join us and discover the transformative power of a tribe dedicated to your unyielding success.

“The hero journey is inside of you; tear off the veils and open the mystery of yourself.”

- Joseph Campbell

The Fireside Tribe & The Wayfinder Trail Guide to Build Your Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Muscles

Bi-Weekly Member Calls with Robert Kress

Connect with Rob Kress every other week for personalized support and guidance. These bi-monthly calls, held every other Tuesday at 5 pm CST, provide a platform for you to address the challenges you and your fellow members are facing, as well as the guidance and leadership to traverse your journey.

Functionally Focused Teams: Your Fireside Tribe

Experience the power of community and accountability with your own peer-led team. Fun by practitioners and facilitators who are experts in Functional Medicine and trained in the 7 Peaks of Transformative Wellness, this group of like-minded men, will become your support network within The Fireside Tribe. Through regular bi-weekly meetings, you'll foster open dialogue, shared growth, and mutual encouragement.


Monthly Wayfinder Trail guide

Unlock a treasure trove of Monthly theme and challenges, weekly growth-oriented content, including daily inspirations, motivations, and writing prompts, along with the themed content for the month ahead. All designed for your Health, Growth, Purpose and Leadership.

Replay and Resource Library

Unlock a treasure trove of growth-oriented content with our extensive library. Featuring over a year's worth of video sessions with past guests, along with other valuable resources, this library will support your ongoing development.

Private Forum for Real Conversations

Join a secure, private network where honest, meaningful discussions thrive. This forum provides a safe space to explore the real issues and challenges men face today, connecting you with others who understand your journey.

The Fireside Tribe & The Wayfinder Trail Guide to Build Your Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Muscles

Bi-Monthly Member Calls with Robert Kress

Connect with Rob Kress every other week for personalized support and guidance. These bi-monthly calls, held every other Tuesday at 5 pm ET, provide a platform for you to address the challenges you and your fellow members are facing.

Functionally Focused Teams: Your Fireside Tribe

Experience the power of community and accountability with your own peer-led team. Fun by practitioners and facilitators who are experts in Functional Medicine and trained in the 7 Peaks of Transformative Wellness, this group of like-minded men, will become your support network within The Fireside Tribe. Through regular bi-weekly meetings, you'll foster open dialogue, shared growth, and mutual encouragement.


Monthly Wayfinder Trail guide

Unlock a treasure trove of Monthly theme and challenges, weekly growth-oriented content, including daily inspirations, motivations, and writing prompts, along with the themed content for the month ahead. All designed for your Health, Growth and Leadership.

Replay and Resource Library

Unlock a treasure trove of growth-oriented content with our extensive library. Featuring over a year's worth of video sessions with past guests, along with other valuable resources, this library will support your ongoing development.

Private Forum for Real Conversations

Join a secure, private network where honest, meaningful discussions thrive. This forum provides a safe space to explore the real issues and challenges men face today, connecting you with others who understand your journey.

The Trail Head- Here's Where Your Journey Begins

Join The Fireside Tribe! Whether you found MAN UNMEDICATED by yourself, or you are connected with one of our affiliate partners facilitators, by signing up you will be immediately directed to your portal into MAN UNMEDICATED, which would start with the Fireside Tribe and Way Finder Trail Guide. You will be welcomed into our online community, sent the upcoming call schedule and sign on's and sent a virtual welcome introduction to the team.

Whether you start to voyeur in on the chat's, engage in the monthly theme, we encourage you to take part of the experience.

Part of your sign on comes with a bonus intro to the 7 Peaks.

Community of Like-Minded Men Looking to Optimize Their Health and Reach Their Full Potential

You won’t be alone. Man Unmedicated is a tribe of passionate practitioners and non-practitioners transforming men's health and wellbeing and elevating care standards. You’ll have access to:

  • Mentorship
  • Collaboration; and the
  • Collective wisdom of a community on a mission.

While journeying through your own 7 Peaks of Transformative Wellness and purpose. 


Shatter the Chains of "Complacency" & Unleash Your True Self  

  • Break free from the suffocating patterns that are sabotaging your life and holding you back from the freedom, fulfillment, and deeply connected relationships you crave.
  • Transform that gnawing anxiety, demotivation, and self-sabotage into unstoppable drive and purpose – stop just going through the motions and start truly LIVING.
  • Sick of living that life of either the false hope of "one day someday" or even worse- the life of resignation – learn to set boundaries and express yourself authentically, without self-editing, and claim what is destined to be yours.
  • Silence that toxic inner voice that's hell-bent on destroying you – cultivate a mindset that supports and empowers you, rather than tears you down.
  • Ready for deeply fulfilling relationships? Discover how to create connection and intimacy on a whole new level – stop settling and start attracting the relationships that truly nourish your soul.
  • No more regret and feeling stuck – it's time to unleash your full potential and start living the life you've always envisioned – break free from the patterns that are holding you back and step into the powerful man you're meant to be.

This is your invitation to shatter the chains of "nice guy syndrome" and step into a life of freedom, empowerment, and deeply fulfilling relationships. The world is waiting for the REAL you to show up. The question is, are you ready to break free?

Your Investment In Yourself and Your Loved Ones


Access to Man Unmedicated Fireside Tribe and Wayfinder Trail Guide and 7 Peaks primary trainings, all that is included above, it just 

Introductory Special 1/2 OFF $44/MO

Just $22/MO 


Your Investment In Yourself and Your Loved Ones


Access to Man Unmedicated Fireside Tribe and Wayfinder Trail Guide and 7 Peaks primary trainings, all that is included above, it just 


The Man Behind the Functional Medicine for Men & Man Unmedicated: Rob Kress

Rob Kress, known as "The Godfather of Functional Pharmacy," is a trailblazer in men’s health and functional medicine. With over two decades of experience, Rob has transformed traditional approaches by focusing on root causes rather than just symptoms. His passion led him to create Man Unmedicated, a groundbreaking program that empowers practitioners to help men reclaim their vitality and purpose.

Recognizing a growing crisis in men’s health, Rob founded Man Unmedicated—a pioneering program that challenges the status quo of men’s healthcare. With Man Unmedicated, Rob provides a comprehensive, integrative approach to men’s health that focuses on the whole person: body, mind, spirit, and soul. His mission is to equip practitioners with the knowledge and tools to help men reclaim their vitality, purpose, and power—far beyond what traditional medicine offers.

Through his 7 Peaks of Transformational Wellness, Rob equips health professionals to build thriving practices that address the whole man—body, mind, and spirit. Rob’s work is not just changing individual lives; it’s redefining men’s health for the future.

Let's Get This Journey Started

The 7 Peaks of Transformational Wellness


Learn how to help men optimize their bodies through nutrition, movement, and lifestyle choices that promote energy, vitality, and peak physical health.


Discover cutting-edge strategies for mastering stress, anxiety, and mindset, so your patients can build the mental resilience they need to thrive.


Learn how to guide men in developing healthy emotional awareness and expression, breaking free from toxic norms and embracing their full range of human experience.


Understand how to support men in building deep, meaningful connections with others, from romantic partnerships to friendships, community ties and nature.


That gut feeling that was often trained out of us by society. Our intuition is a guiding beacon to help us make some of the hardest decision in the most difficult times- our creative force is what carries those descisions forward.


Explore how to help men reconnect with their deepest selves, their sense of purpose, and their connection to something greater than themselves.


Learn how to guide men in discovering their true passions and living a life that leaves a lasting impact on the world.

The 7 Peaks of Transformational Wellness


Learn how to help men optimize their bodies through nutrition, movement, and lifestyle choices that promote energy, vitality, and peak physical health.


Discover cutting-edge strategies for mastering stress, anxiety, and mindset, so your patients can build the mental resilience they need to thrive.


Learn how to guide men in developing healthy emotional awareness and expression, breaking free from toxic norms and embracing their full range of human experience.


Understand how to support men in building deep, meaningful connections with others, from romantic partnerships to friendships, community ties and nature.


That gut feeling that was often trained out of us by society. Our intuition is a guiding beacon to help us make some of the hardest decision in the most difficult times- our creative force is what carries those descisions forward.


Explore how to help men reconnect with their deepest selves, their sense of purpose, and their connection to something greater than themselves.


Learn how to guide men in discovering their true passions and living a life that leaves a lasting impact on the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Re-imagine Men's Health Going Beyond Just Treating Symptoms, Checking Prostates, Testosterone and Cholesterol Levels?


MAN UNMEDICATED is the root cause, traverse to your full potential platform for the primal man in a moder-day world.


Can You Re-imagine Men's Health Going Beyond Just Treating Symptoms, Checking Prostates, Testosterone and Cholesterol Levels?


MAN UNMEDICATED is the root cause, traverse to your full potential platform for the primal man in a moder-day world.


Join the Man Unmedicated Movement

Create your functional men’s health brand, program, and community. Whether you choose our hyper-focused men’s health training or the full Beyond the Labs community package, this is your chance to reimagine men’s health.

Stay connected with the Man Unmedicated community and be the first to know about opportunities that can help you elevate your practice and make a lasting impact.