Functional Health Coaching

Where Primal Roots Meet Cutting-Edge Medicine for Optimized Health, Peak Performance & Purpose.


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The Apollo Way:

Where Primal Roots Meet Cutting-Edge Medicine for optimized health and peak performance.


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Welcome to the Evolution of Men's Health, Wellness & Peak Potential


Dear Fellow Man,

Listen, I'm not here to sugarcoat the brutal truth. You're reading this because you're fed up. Your energy levels are in the toilet, your brain is foggy, and you can't seem to shed that extra gut no matter how hard you hit the gym or how "clean" you eat.

The docs just shrug and tell you it's "normal" for a guy your age. The supplement peddlers promise a magic pill, but nothing delivers long-term results. You're starting to wonder if you're just broken.

Well, here's the wake-up call: You're not broken. You're just misinformed.

The entire sick care industry is built on a flawed model. They're treating symptoms, not causes. They're focused on disease, not optimal performance. And they're ignoring the one thing that makes you, YOU.

The Apollo Way is the revolutionary approach that digs deep to find the root causes of your struggles. It's about understanding your unique biochemistry, your individual blueprint, your lifestyle... and then creating a personalized plan to get you firing on all cylinders.

This isn't about quick fixes. This is about becoming the best version of yourself. The guy with boundless energy, laser-sharp focus, and the body you can be proud of.

The Crisis of Modern Masculinity

Amidst a silent crisis of physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering, men find themselves adrift, disconnected from the vitality and purpose that define true masculinity. Rob Kress, the pioneer of the Soul of Medicine Men's Program and the 'Apollo Way,' is your guide to transcending these contemporary ailments.



Robert Kress RPh


The Seven Peaks of Transformative Wellness

Rob's programs and coaching methods are not mere treatments; they are a transformative journey across what he has coined the Seven Peaks of Transformative Wellness: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Intuitive, Spiritual, Relational and Legacy. It's a call to ascend, to become the man you were meant to be, the man you are waiting to be again.

1. Physical Peak

Attain optimal physical health through increased strength, losing stubborn fat, restful sleep, stress management techniques, nutrition, and hormonal balance.


2. Emotional Peak

Foster emotional resilience by understanding and managing the vast spectrum of your emotions, realizing your emotions are a strength to utilize.


3. Mental Peak

Learn how to develop mental resilience, focus, and avoid swimming in negative thoughts and doubts.


4. Intuitive Peak

Develop keen intuition to make more aligned decisions in your personal and professional life.


5. Spiritual Peak

Connect with your inner self and explore the deeper questions of existence and purpose.


6. Relational Peak

Build and maintain strong relationships, fostering a supportive network and deepening connections.


7. Peak- Legacy

Live a life of purpose, engaged, one that lights us up while inspiring positive change and leaving a lasting impact.

Book An Appointment with Rob!
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Are You Ready to Reclaim Who You Once Were, and Who You Are Meant to Be?


Through our various programs of coaching, whether it is our 8 Week Essentials, or our VIP Functional Medicine Program, or the Fireside Tribe Men's Functional Health Group, you will mark the beginning of your odyssey. It's a call to break free from quiet desperation, to unleash the song within, to live not just with vitality but with a vibrant, purposeful spirit. Your path to the summit of well-being begins here.

Embrace The MAN UNMEDICATED within you, and let your journey unfold as we review your path up until now, talk about your challenges, wellness goals, while creating a trail map towards optimized health, wellness, and peak performance.

Then...If we are a good fit for each other, we will invite you into our method via the program that suits you best and will walk with you in a Container Specifically Designed and Personalized for Your Journey.

Your Guide:

Robert Kress, RPh

Book An Appointment Now!

Robert Kress – a man who has delved deep into the science of health and the art of healing – is your ally. With years of expertise in both traditional pharmacy and integrative approaches, Rob is equipped to navigate you through the complexities of modern health, aligning ancient wisdom with contemporary science.

Your Guide:

Robert Kress, RPh

Robert Kress – a man who has delved deep into the science of health and the art of healing – is your ally. With years of expertise in both traditional pharmacy and integrative approaches, Rob is equipped to navigate you through the complexities of modern health, aligning ancient wisdom with contemporary science.

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Embark on Your Hero's Journey


In the immortal words of Joseph Campbell, “we're called to let go of the life we've planned, to embrace the life that's waiting,” For the modern man besieged by health and wellness challenges, this call to adventure has never been more urgent. 

 As Campbell illuminated, every hero's journey is fraught with challenges, but also rich with opportunities for growth and transformation. Rob's work is your map and compass, guiding you to not just overcome obstacles, but to transform them into stepping stones towards your true potential.

Join the Movement: Man Unmedicated 


Rob's upcoming initiative – the Man Unmedicated is your invitations to break the chains of mediocrity and medication. It's time for a paradigm shift in men's health – a shift towards empowerment, balance, and true wellness.

Answer the Call to Adventure

Are you ready to rise to your full potential? Lose weight, feel great, gain vitality with renewed purpose?

Discover how The Apollo Way can illuminate your path to peak wellness. Join Rob Kress on this transformative journey and become the hero of your own story.

Yes, book an appointment with Rob now!

Answer the Call to Adventure

Are you ready to rise to your full potential? Lose weight, feel great, gain vitality with renewed purpose?

Discover how The Apollo Way can illuminate your path to peak wellness. Join Rob Kress on this transformative journey and become the hero of your own story.

Yes, book an appointment!

Robert Kress, RPh

is a pharmacist and a Functional Medicine Specialist. Robert took his passion for a holistic approach to health and became board certified in clinical nutrition and the art of Pharmaceutical Compounding, Primal Health Coach, 200 RYT, & MovNat Level II trainer.

Robert leads the Men's Health Program and consults with clients through the Soul of Medicine with Kay Corpus MD, as well as educates other medical practitioners on functional medicine.

Robert leads the Functional & Lifestyle training program Beyond the Labs where he educates providers on functional, lifestyle, and mind-body wellness. Robert is also founder of the Man Unmedicated platform along with his functional men's health program, The Apollo Way.

Robert was recently named one of the Top 50 Pharmacists in the US! 

Robert lectures, writes and podcasts regularly on the topic of lifestyle medicine and integrative care, and is a dog dad to his amazing Mini Aussie, Pilar.