What you need to know about CBD full-spectrum and isolates
Oct 31, 2019
If you are currently engaging into CBD into your practice or plan to, here is a bit of information which might serve beneficial.
By now you might understand that CBD can come as an isolate (CBD extract only) or a full-spectrum, often referred to as a “hemptourage” effect, which is inclusive of all the ingredients of the extract of hemp.
They look, feel and taste completely different, and, have different values to them- all of which your customers might not have any idea.
First off, which is better?
Well, better is not the best term, instead I think we should use “preferred.”
I prefer the full spectrum, as it includes all 500 plus distinct compounds including various phytocannabinoids, terpenes, chlorophyll, fatty acids, plant sterols vitamin E and more. Some of these are already ripe with evidence-based backing and benefits, while others are being discovered almost on a daily basis. Qualities being discovered include enhanced absorption, synergestic benefits of pain relief, stress reduction, better sleep, immune support and more.
Additionally, the FDA approved CBD, Epidiolex is a CBD isolate, so one would question, are isolate manufacturer’s infringing on the Epidiolex patent (think Marinol and TCH), while there is no patent on the full plant extract.
The isolate product will be clear, almost odorless, thinner to feel.
A full spectrum, whole hemp extract will be darker, thicker, more resin like with a distinctively earthy, nutty smell.
Isolates are cheaper, so this might be some of the blow back you might get from customers who have tried an isolate, “I can get it for half the price at the gas station on the corner”- yup, have heard that one 😊
Anyway, just wanted to share a few points with you on the full spectrum-isolate topic,
In Health,