What Does Busy Mean to You

May 17, 2024

...is the question I sent out to my pharmacist students in Beyond the Labs as well as some of my coaching clients

And... I was blown away how on track everyone is, at least via awareness...as this is one of my 'lessons to learn and master"

What does busy mean to you?

Does it seem that busy is more of a “treading water” thing…where you are pretty much staying in one place, the proverbial comfort zone, which we all know is not really that comfortable, especially when we understand that growth does not happen there. 

Maybe it's a "can't catch my breath" or "time flies by and I don't feel like I got anything done"

Or... Busy can mean you are getting things done, or maybe it means that you have a lot of clients, and you are busy doing what you love and making an amazing living at it.

I have found, it can be a double edged sword.

I used to wear ‘busy’ as an honor badge, and actually, when I had time to decide what I wanted to do, how I wanted to grow my business, what I wanted to create…I often felt like things were not moving forward…but it was just the opposite. 

We can spend our time day in and day out doing the same thing, whether its seeing clients or maybe its doing labs, or checking prescriptions, and for some, and this can feel in alignment with our path, or out of alignment, bringing on frustration, boredom or apathy,

It took me years of excuses and point fingers of why I would stay stuck and busy, and not free and growing to realize that I need to find others to do the stuff that I am not good at or I don’t enjoy. 

In a recent training of Beyond The Labs, we had a bit of a workshop, where I walked the pharmacists through how to decide where to spend your time and resources. 

For example, social media. Most people spend a ridiculous amount of time posting on their accounts or worse yet, scrolling, with little to no ROI… could their time not be used better? For example, if you want to post to feel relevant, find…hire someone to do it for you. I also share how to hire good help, at a great price. 

Anyway, if you are stuck in busy, or you are just plain stuck on moving forward, I invite you to reach out to me, or take the leap and join Beyond the Labs today… if you are willing to understand that you don’t see what you don’t see, and you don’t know what you don’t know (took years for me to get what this meant)- Beyond the Labs and the Other Ones Community of Outside the Box Pharmacists is just what you need. 

Take advantage of the last few spots for this enrollment before price goes up and get the Certification Fee Waived. 

Click here for more on Beyond the Labs, and if you need to hop on a quick call, I am happy to do so-

Talk soon, Rob