How to Double Your Paying Audience on Complementary Services
Jun 27, 2016
Looking at wellness…there are basically two options. Selling through consults, or selling through recommendations at your pharmacy and your marketing.
As you probably know, my practice developed from providing one-on-one consults and then to focusing on quick point and shoot recommendations and a marketing program to augment, which I based my members consulting and marketing program on.
Which is best for you?
It’s all about the customers, as in anything in our business.
If your customers are like my customers…and everyone else’s customers, then the answer is BOTH!
…That is if you want to be firing on all cylinders and create a successful practice resilient to competitive attack.
There are some people who will prefer coming to the pharmacy, asking you questions, taking your direction and purchase products.
Then there are others who want that one-on-on attention and will gladly pay for your consulting advice, and be guided in a more customized approach.
I have been out of the one-on-one consulting game for years- relying on effective marketing strategies, article writing, and point and shoot recommendations.
Although lately due other practitioners and patients asking if I will start offering consults, I have gotten back into it.
And you know what I noticed?
Some customers I had at my pharmacy years ago came back- they have been seeing other practitioners, although they are the ones who want that one-on-one attention.
If you are a pharmacy who provides only one-on-one consulting, via you or another practitioner, I would recommend to implement a quick point and shoot recommendation and marketing system.
If you are the opposite, consider offering consults- even if you are a newbie to the world of natural medicine, there are easy steps you can take to grab on to the specialized knowledge which will provide a ton of value to your customers who are looking for more.